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Good news, everyone. A modder has arrived.

Captain Johnathan M. Quirk

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27 minutes ago, Captain Johnathan M. Quirk said:

I was looking for smaller communities and it seems that I've stumbled across the smallest. Never fear, a modder is here! (In all seriousness, I barely count, I have no idea what I'm doing half the time and I'm weighed down by managing a team that knows even less)

So uhh yeah... 'Sup?

Welcome to what is likely the smallest, and newest, Half-Life community on the Internet!

Half-Life was the first PC game that I beat, but I never revisited it with mods 🙈.

Glad you found us! Out of curiosity, do you post at any other Half-Life forums?

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4 minutes ago, Motorcycle Nerd said:

Welcome to what is likely the smallest, and newest, Half-Life community on the Internet!

Half-Life was the first PC game that I beat, but I never revisited it with mods 🙈.

Glad you found us! Out of curiosity, do you post at any other Half-Life forums?

Uhh, I use twhl.info, a handful of Discord servers, and I used to use LambdaGeneration before I got banned for doing arguably one of the dumbest things I have ever done (the ban was 100% deserved)

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9 hours ago, Captain Johnathan M. Quirk said:

Uhh, I use twhl.info, a handful of Discord servers, and I used to use LambdaGeneration before I got banned for doing arguably one of the dumbest things I have ever done (the ban was 100% deserved)

I appreciate the accountability regarding the ban. Whatever happened, it sounds like it was warranted, but it also sounds like you learned from it. You can think of Fan Clubs as a clean slate. As long as you're respectful of your fellow posters here, I don't see there being any problems.

As the community grows, we can expand to include a second forum, a blog, an events calendar, and a gallery. You can check out the Xbox Fan Club for a preview of a fully-featured community. Thanks again for joining and hope you decide to stick around!

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54 minutes ago, Motorcycle Nerd said:

I appreciate the accountability regarding the ban. Whatever happened, it sounds like it was warranted, but it also sounds like you learned from it. You can think of Fan Clubs as a clean slate. As long as you're respectful of your fellow posters here, I don't see there being any problems.

As the community grows, we can expand to include a second forum, a blog, an events calendar, and a gallery. You can check out the Xbox Fan Club for a preview of a fully-featured community. Thanks again for joining and hope you decide to stick around!

Cool, but isn't this community a bit small to try and overstructure it? I mean, three people aren't exactly hard to manage, especially when two of them are moderators. And in case you're wondering, I got banned for arguing with another user when the staff had told us not to (repeatedly) and it earned me a suspension. Then I did something really stupid and tried using a known alt account, which is why the ban was made permanent...

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10 minutes ago, Captain Johnathan M. Quirk said:

Cool, but isn't this community a bit small to try and overstructure it? I mean, three people aren't exactly hard to manage, especially when two of them are moderators.

Yup! It's still good to have a plan in place for the (hopeful) day that the community grows. 🤞 

10 minutes ago, Captain Johnathan M. Quirk said:

And in case you're wondering, I got banned for arguing with another user when the staff had told us not to (repeatedly) and it earned me a suspension. Then I did something really stupid and tried using a known alt account, which is why the ban was made permanent...

I've dealt with my fair share of Alt Accounts in my other community, but I was actually expecting something much worse to warrant a permaban. The way the community is structured here, Fan Club owners/mods can ban members from their clubs while site Admin and Mods can do a sitewide ban or suspension if necessary.

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1 minute ago, Motorcycle Nerd said:

Yup! It's still good to have a plan in place for the (hopeful) day that the community grows. 🤞 

I've dealt with my fair share of Alt Accounts in my other community, but I was actually expecting something much worse to warrant a permaban. The way the community is structured here, Fan Club owners/mods can ban members from their clubs while site Admin and Mods can do a sitewide ban or suspension if necessary.

I was acting like a monumental asshole about it though...

Anyway, I'm guessing that you and the other person here know each other IRL?

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4 minutes ago, Captain Johnathan M. Quirk said:

Anyway, I'm guessing that you and the other person here know each other IRL?

We actually do not! @worm joined the forum in July and has been a big help in keeping a content flow going as I work on finding our footing in the online community space.

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Just now, Captain Johnathan M. Quirk said:

We are currently working on a mod, yes...

Feel free to post it here if it's available for the public to see!

I remember downloading so many mods when I first finished the original Half-Life. I remember with great love mods like Zombie Edition and Point of View (loved that one, being able to play as a Vortigaunt is awesome). Today I started Blue Shift for Black Mesa, I think it's a work in progress.

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1 minute ago, worm said:

Feel free to post it here if it's available for the public to see!

I remember downloading so many mods when I first finished the original Half-Life. I remember with great love mods like Zombie Edition and Point of View (loved that one, being able to play as a Vortigaunt is awesome). Today I started Blue Shift for Black Mesa, I think it's a work in progress.

Sorry, but our current project is highly classified. Oh uhh, what are your guys' opinions on furries? I swear this is important

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Just now, Captain Johnathan M. Quirk said:

Sorry, but our current project is highly classified. Oh uhh, what are your guys' opinions on furries? I swear this is important

Oh uhh, if that's what the mod is about I think it may not be for me 🤣

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13 minutes ago, Captain Johnathan M. Quirk said:

Sorry, but our current project is highly classified. Oh uhh, what are your guys' opinions on furries? I swear this is important

I'm in the same boat as @worm. Although it's not for us, there is a huge community around it.

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5 minutes ago, worm said:

Do you think we should appeal to the alien authorities?

Love the quote, most people wouldn't recognize it

And yes, in all seriousness, the project is literally called Half-Life: Furry Edition, although we have another lower-priority project called Half-Life: Just Another Meme Mod

And yes, I am a furry. Deal.

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1 minute ago, Captain Johnathan M. Quirk said:

Love the quote, most people wouldn't recognize it

And yes, in all seriousness, the project is literally called Half-Life: Furry Edition, although we have another lower-priority project called Half-Life: Just Another Meme Mod

And yes, I am a furry. Deal.

No judgement from me! I'm not sure if you can post that kind of content here but I'm glad you know what you like!

Welcome to Fan Clubs!

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2 minutes ago, worm said:

No judgement from me! I'm not sure if you can post that kind of content here but I'm glad you know what you like!

Welcome to Fan Clubs!

I think as long as it's SFW it should be fine... And besides, I'm trying not to have the project public pre-release. We wanted to release it in a very "This exists now, deal with it" kind of way. We were gonna create the ModDB page with the download publicly available and just, have it exist one day. And now our evil plot is publicly available... Thank god this community is miniscule

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4 minutes ago, Captain Johnathan M. Quirk said:

I think as long as it's SFW it should be fine... And besides, I'm trying not to have the project public pre-release. We wanted to release it in a very "This exists now, deal with it" kind of way. We were gonna create the ModDB page with the download publicly available and just, have it exist one day. And now our evil plot is publicly available... Thank god this community is miniscule

I will keep it secret for you 🙂

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