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Star Wars

Potentially a new Star Wars movie in the works!!!


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In all fairness, it's not too bad, apart from the plotholes, Anakin is a Jedi Knight, yet he gets an apprentice, which is usually reserved for, say Jedi Masters???


I did think Anakin was all goody too shoes as well, until he force choked information out of a bad guy, for the greater good of course.

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Guest Beefhead
Clone wars movie sucked, but my son and I watch the television series every chance we get I love it. Rumors of a new animated show after return of the jedi are met with fingers crossed in my house. A cartoon series after return would be the best way ever to continue forward because they could do the further adventures of our fave characters regardless of the fact the actors have grown too old. Now granted only mark Hamill would be willing to return as he is a voice actor these days anyways. The best thing is though you wouldn't need any of the original actors.
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Guest Beefhead
But the Force Unleashed takes place between episodes 3 and 4, right?


Indeed it does lol, I was speaking of another rumor. I know squat about force unleashed so didnt wanna comment on the possibility of it as a series.

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