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The Force Unleashed on big screen

Video game could get adaption

Jul 1st 2010 10:10AM

BY Josh Winning


Star Wars could be set to return to the big and small screen with story ideas and characters borrowed from video game The Force Unleashed.


While a TV series is currently being made, CVG report that aspects of the Force Unleashed video game – which bridges the gap between the two sets of movie trilogies – could wind up being adapted into the show or further movies.


Talking to CVG, executive producer Haden Blackman confirmed that the characters he helped create in The Force Unleashed could make appearances in further Star Wars adventures.


"I hope so, we're already seeing it reach out into publishing with comic books and novels that are taking into account stories we've created and characters we've created," he told CVG. "Hopefully some day we see these characters on big or little screen.


"We're dealing in a period of time that has largely been unexplored by anything. Force Unleashed was the first major story we set in that time period.


"I think we surprised a lot of fans with that story because we showed the formation of the Rebel Alliance and introduce the concept of the dark secret apprentice.”


A third-person action game, The Force Unleashed introduces a new lead character in the form of Starkiller, Darth Vader’s secret apprentice.


The game is the best-selling Star Wars video game ever, having sold seven million copies to date. Its sequel is due out on 26 October, 2010. Check out the trailer below for what could be our first glimpse at how further Star Wars screen ventures could look…




Source: CVG

Credit: Total Film


OK, so it's not exactly set in stone, but a feature length film (live action if possible) encompassing the story of Starkiller could be really good.

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Actually, I think that's a genius idea, precisely because the only people who'd need to be in it from the original series are Darth Vader and a couple of ancilliary characters and it really should keep them to the minimum and make it it's own story.
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Guest Jayfunk
Force Unleashed was the best star wars game i have played having it on the big screen would be awesome
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Guest Reno
The best? It was fun, I'd agree, but no where near the best. Just wondering, have you not played the first Knights of the Old Republic then? Edited by Reno
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Like someone has already said, I love the original Star Wars trilogy for the mixed bag of fun, romance, eccentricity and thought-provocation and for some reason George Lucas seems to have been (unknowingly) trying to ruin all that ever since.


That said, if someone else directs it, then it might be ok.


Might watch Star Wars over the next week as I just realised I haven't in a like a year or more. :lol

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Guest Dante Spears
Oh god, when will someone lock up Lucas and stop him from tainting his own franchise even more. First it was that god-awful CGI thing and I can't see this being much better.
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Regardless of title Star wars films are also given an 'Episode x'. So what would this one be? Which was Tommyboys question.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was set between Episodes II & III, was released in cinemas in August 2008 and didn't have an "Episode x" subtitle, so this (set between Episodes III & IV) could easily follow suit, especially if it ends up being animated rather than live action.
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I enjoyed those DVD shorts. I thought it was pretty cool. But then I'm all "oooh, fancy animation!".


I still think this would be live action, just for the fact they already filmed a bunch of stuff to motion capture the actors for Force Unleashed 2.

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Oi! Lucas! NOOOO!


You may have been the seminal sci-fi genius back in 1979 but now you are just flogging a dead horse, a horse which you killed by the way with your lack of integrity and getting rid of anyone who had the gonads to tell you that you were doing things wrong, so do the fans a favour.


Put the camera on the ground and step away from it!!!!!

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He's already done his best in the Clone Wars...


Made the person who was writing their history leave the book series mid flow.

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