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What's your dream location?

Guest DarkMatchJobber

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Guest DarkMatchJobber

The Grand Theft Auto series has mainly been set in the U.S.A but did once branch out to London for a spin-off of the original game.


Liberty City (New York),Los Santos (Los Angeles),Las Venturas (Las Vegas),San Fierro (San Francisco?) and Vice City (Miami) have been the main locations and clearly inspired by the bracketed real-life cities.


So baring that in mind what would be your ideal location for a grand theft auto game?


Mine would probably be set across Italy where the mafia originated from and there would be no shame whatsoever in doing a Godfather-esque story to the game.

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I'm happy for it to continue to be set in the US, perhaps another San Andreas style game would be good to show off the awesomeness of PS3, or Vice City again, and redo it like they have done Liberty City.


But I see no need at all to take it other countries, when the core game mechanic needs to remain the same anyways

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Guest Nemesis Enforcer

Tokyo where they can feature the Triad and the most heavily populated city in the world complete with all the many buildings and thechnology they have would make for a good game setting I think


Although I am just as happy for them to keep it in the US

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Guest DarkMatchJobber

I think that eventually we'll be able to download extension packs to future GTA games directly onto PS3 or 360.


I like the idea of Miami returning but the Tokyo suggestion is my favourite because that is a huge city with a tremendous sense of variety about it.


Maybe the lead could be Wu-Zi from San Andreas when he was younger and before he became a powerful figure in the Triads?


For me he is an entertaining character whose background story could be quite interesting.

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Guest DarkMatchJobber

His wise cracks always raised a smile on Vice City but CJ comes quite close with gems like " Had a bad week huh? I'll make it worse for that! ".


The beauty of the GTA franchise is because they don't make any of the games a direct sequel (as in always taking place after the last game) it means characters can make further appearances even if they were killed off in the last game (for example Lance Vance's brother is killed at the beginning of Vice City but he is the main character in Vice City Stories).


It would be cool to see a British GTA where you can travel between England,Wales,Ireland,Northern Ireland and Scotland in much the same way you travel to different areas on previous GTA games.


Locals would vary from place to place,scenery would vary etc...

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Guest Kanenite
Not fussed to be honest, I loved Vice City and San Andeas' areas though with the mixed environments. With SA being the cream of the crop with the off road areas.
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Guest Anime Otaku
I wouldn't mind a Hong Kong game with Triads or Tokyo game with Yakuza (maybe with Kenji and Asuka from GTA3 but set before it obviously). A London game with a Lock, Stock style of gangsters would be cool too. I didn't like the massive San Andreas map but having seen each of the cities having a game each with the GTA 4 engine would be good. I think the VC waterfront and San Venturas strip would look amazing if GTA4's star junction is anything to go by.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jayfunk
Belfast. Seriously. Set in either the Troubles in the 1960's/70's, or re-launch a modern day war. Either would be good ;)


...oh, and for a game, too.


yeah it would be good if you could pick sides then the story would be different for both

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