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Lucas plans major crossovers for next Star Wars live-action movie...


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With 'The Clone Wars' CGI cartoon not doing as well as hoped, Star Wars supremo George Lucas has been busy at Skywalker Ranch making plans for the much mooted (but thought never to happen) Star Wars Episode VII.


To capitalise as much as possible, "The Beard" has put the feelers out for various possible crossovers with other movie franchises after seeing how well received the Soul Calibur IV cameos were. His thinking is that if that can work, then adding to his universe can work too.


If you don't want things spoiled, then DO NOT scroll down any further... but if your curiousity cannot be quenched, keep going for the revelations of a lifetime.


Remember; you read it here first.

































With Terminator 4 due out next year, Lucas can sense a hot prospect from the resurrected franchise, which is why we will be having Obi T-800 Kenobi.




But that's not all, as there is also rumours of a new villain to take on the mantle of series villain after Anakin Skywalker's face turn. The Emperor's body may have bit the dust, but his "Dark Force" was too powerful to destroy, thus he will be a Force Ghost to guide his latest apprentice... GARTH VADER!!!




But fear not, Jedi warriors, the light side of the Force have called in reinforcements of their own in the shape of the two greatest heroes in the galaxy... Jedi Master Jay and Silent Bob(a Fett).




Princess Leia will appear, but will be too old to be the token sex-symbol of the series... but she did have a daughter and two sons with Han Solo (Harrison Ford reprising another famous role) called Jaina & Jacen (the twins) and Anakin Solo (the younger brother). All three of these are to be cast in the movie, as Angelina Jolie takes on the role of Jaina and Nathan Fillion playing Anakin. The role of Jacen is to be played by '30 Seconds to Mars' lead singer, Jared Leto.


http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x165/dravencage/Nathan.jpg http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x165/dravencage/leto.jpg



The Millenium Falcon won't be escaping the crossover unscathed either. With his old man handing the reigns of the vehicle to Anakin, he decided to give the ship a paint job in homage to his favourite parable from the old days. With that in mind, the "Good Ol' Boys" ride again in the Millenium Lee (complete with "Dixie" horn).




And finally, something to keep the dads entertained during the boring exposition-y bits, we have the latest in the line of Stormtroopers... Strippertroopers.




I don't know about you, but I'm excited.

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Moved to the right forum. I understand why it was in the Entertainment forum, but this is why we have this one (plus it needs the traffic :P).
Fair enough. I didn't want it in the humour forum because I didn't want people going into it thinking it was a joke off the bat.
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Yeah, thats the problems with a lot of jokes like this, they need the 'oh people think its serious' factor. There were a few that made us wonder early on, in the end we just tried to keep everything in here.

I think the first one was a BRM joke.

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Guest Nemesis Enforcer
Get Nathan Fillion in a movie (of any type) and you have a sure fire hit on you hands... however if you also add in Jay and Silent Bob then you have the greatest movie ever made :lol
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