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What are your thoughts on Bret Favre giving up the sport of football?

Guest Bionic powers

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Why is it a girls sport...and what does the height or colour of the participants have to do with anything?!


You either like it or you dont, but I can assure you that the height, weight or colour of NFL and NHL players isnt the reason I think those sports are complete crap! :lol



Basketball would be more interesting if they put the hoop two foot higher, don't see much point in it when they just find blokes who can put the ball in easily.

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Guest The Beltster
Basketball would be more interesting if they put the hoop two foot higher, don't see much point in it when they just find blokes who can put the ball in easily.
The basket is 10 feet off the ground, and the average NBA player height is 6'9"...I'm 6'4" and find it extremely hard to do any dunk other than a straight forward 1 or 2 handed slam, its not their height for the most part, its their athletisism. Nate Robinson is 5'7" and won the dunk contest 2 years ago.


Plus, people love to see spectacular dunks, why would you want to take away the possibility of about 80% of the league being able to hit great dunks off of fast break plays? Thats like saying you should make a football goal 15 feet more narrow...


You obviously arent a fan of the game, which is fine obviously, but it also shows your naivity (sp?) by thinking that if you are tall and can dunk, its easy to score in basketball. Nothing could be further from the truth, and the height of the basket really has nothing to do with anything.

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It will be weird seeing the Pack without Favre in the lead next season and I am both nervous and excited over just who they draft in to take his place.


Who ever it is they have HUGE cleats to step into and anything less then a play off season will be deemed a failure even for a team that will be in transition.


Funnily enough no matter what you do to him stats wise etc on Madden '08 he retires at the end of the first season... just like now... maybe he owns it and saw it as a sign lol.

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The basket is 10 feet off the ground, and the average NBA player height is 6'9"...I'm 6'4" and find it extremely hard to do any dunk other than a straight forward 1 or 2 handed slam, its not their height for the most part, its their athletisism. Nate Robinson is 5'7" and won the dunk contest 2 years ago.


Plus, people love to see spectacular dunks, why would you want to take away the possibility of about 80% of the league being able to hit great dunks off of fast break plays? Thats like saying you should make a football goal 15 feet more narrow...


You obviously arent a fan of the game, which is fine obviously, but it also shows your naivity (sp?) by thinking that if you are tall and can dunk, its easy to score in basketball. Nothing could be further from the truth, and the height of the basket really has nothing to do with anything.


Precisely. Not since Wilt Chamberlin has the man who lead the league in dunks lead the league in scoring.


And if the NBA is only a sport for lanky black men, explain 6'0 Steve Nash (born to a Welsh mother and English father in South Africa and raised in Canada) is the 2-time defending MVP of the league and widely accepted best point guard in the world?


As for the big guys, not very many at all are that succesful, there are more talented guards in the league than forwards. And of the large stars, most of them do their best shooting in the low post.


As for Farve, his retirement is huge. He's the biggest name in football, and the last link to the age of the greats. He's a guy who, at his prime, was rivals with Marino, Young, Aikman, and Elway, but survived to be regarded against the new crop of Manning, Brady, Palmer, and Roethlisberger.




Gringo, Farve's replacement is Aaron Rodgers, 24th pick in 2004. Although, to his credit, he was THIS close to being the #1 pick and suffered a HUGE slide in stock.


Of his talent? I think he's crap, never liked him since his college days at Cal. Rarely do Pac-10 QB's cut it nowadays (only Palmer and Anderson right now), and his college career was infinitely less impressive than theirs. In fact, he shows even less promise than Joey Harrington and Kyle Boller, and look where they are now.

Edited by Fidel Cashflow
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Guest Drake

Basketball a none contact sport? I'll have some of what K.J is smoking. I have played basketball since I was five years old till about a year ago and can tell you that it is a VERY physical sport. The shoving and elbow throwing that happens in the low box with five to six guys fighting for a rebound isn't "girly" at all. Someone saying that basketball is a "girly sport" just yells ignorance to me.


PS: I've never liked Favre. Yeah, he has some awesome stats but the guy threw too many interceptions for my liking, plus, he was a Packer and I was a Vikings during Moss's career in Minnesota, so I learned to dislike the guy.

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