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Star Wars

Best Star Wars Film


Best Star Wars Film  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Star Wars Film

    • Episode IV: A New Hope
    • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
    • Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
    • Episode I: The Phantom Menace
    • Episode II: Attack Of The Clones

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After seeing 4 films of the series, I've become a slight Star Wars fan, and I thought it'd be interesting to see what everyone's fave Star Wars film is.


My personal favourite is Episode 1, as its fight sequences and chases are awesome, and it has one of the best casts of any film.

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Guest The Crippler
I thought Episode 1 sucked a bit. I much prefer Attack of the Clones to that. My favourite Star Wars film is Empire Strikes Back.
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Empire by a country mile:


A New Hope is fantastic but Empire just pips it by being more grown up with 100% better dialogue.


Jedi is a good film too but the series seemed to regress further back into kiddie-dom, not to mention some of the monsters were far too rubbery-looking.


Episode 1 was deeply, deeply dissappointing and is the reason I haven't bothered with Episode 2: Attack of the Clowns.

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Guest Latino Reheat
They're all great in their own way (even Ep 1 has it's moments !) but for me it's Empire Strikes Back, with the revelation at the end, Yoda's first appearance and the superb battle of Hoth.
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Empire is the best it introduces Yoda,Boba & Lando my 3 fav characters . A new hope is good as is Jedi.


Episode 1 was a bit boring the special effects took over from the story.


AOTC was as good as A new hope & Jedi.

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Guest PeteR Richards

LOL. You have to admire his honesty. Quality.


I feel a little left out (I lie, I really couldn't give a crap) for having not seen any of these; I just might have to if y'all think it's that good.

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Empire without a shadow of a doubt.


It's much more powerful than Star Wars and Jedi.


Jedi is good, although the Ewok's were a childish and needless addition to the films. Star Wars was good too.


As for Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, I've refrained from seeing them. I'm perfectly happy with the legacy left by the 3 films initially released. I have no interest in the other two whatsoever.

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