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The 30 Greatest Star Wars Characters....


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according to Empire Magazine. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of Star Wars (Episode IV), Empire Magazine released their edition with 31 covers (there was a limited edition Jar Jar one, which won the purchaser a prize) to commemorate the 30 best characters of all six films.


The link takes you to the first page of the list, where you can flick through the profiles of the characters and why they've been chosen.

The 30 Greatest

Star Wars Characters


With his evidently colourful imagination, George Lucas never had a problem populating his Star Wars galaxy. You can’t move for Gungans, Corellians, Twi’leks, Imperial badmen, Jedi footsoldiers, bounty hunters, droids and whatever the hell Admiral Ackbar is (turdfish?). Yet everyone’s sure about which of those denizens is their favourite. Sure, the Han fans outnumber the Luke-lovers, and the Fett-followers think they’re way cooler than the Vader ravers, but even the likes of Wicket the ewok have their yay-sayers.


So it was, on the eve of Star Wars’ 30th Anniversary, that the Empire office decided to set out its space-stall and announced the 30 greatest characters, providing each with a collectible cover of their own.


And here’s the full Top 30, counting down from l’il fuzzball Wicket to a certain blaster-favouring Kessell-running smuggler, complete with the Empire writers’ case for each...


Start the countdown...


For those not wanting to click the link, here is the list in full.



The 30 Greatest Star Wars Characters


30 - Wicket, the Ewok

29 - Mace Windu, the Jedi

28 - Count Dooku, the Sith Lord

27 - Admiral Ackbar, the Mon Calamari

26 - Padme Amidala, member of the Senate

25 - Gamorrean Guards, the rejects from Duke Nukem

24 - C-3PO, the Protocol Droid

23 - Qui-Gin, Jinn the Jedi Master

22 - Imperial Guards, the ones in red

21 - Obi-Wan Kenobi, the wise Jedi (McGregor edition)

20 - TIE Fighter Pilot, the pilot of the TIE fighters

19 - Greedo, the one who shot first (DAMMIT!)

18 - Tuskan Raiders, the neds of Star Wars

17 - Scout Trooper, the one on the Speeder Bike16 - Anakin Skywalker, the one who becomes Lord Vader

15 - Lando Calrissian, the one who owned the Millenium Falcon

14 - Jawa, the ones with the glowing eyes

13 - Darth Sidious, the Emperor

12 - Ben Kenobi, the wise Jedi (Guinness edition)

11 - Jabba the Hut, the one who enslaved Leia (and fuelled many a fantasy)

10 - Princess Leia, the sister

09 - Stormtrooper, the bad shots

08 - Darth Maul, the one with the double-saber

07 - Luke Skywalker, son of Darth

06 - Yoda, the old one who kicks ass in Ep.2

05 - Chewbacca, the Wookiee

04 - R2-D2, the one sometimes called Artoo

03 - Boba Fett, the one who stands up to Vader

02 - Darth Vader, the Sith Lord who was once Anakin Skywalker

01 - Han Solo, the coolest space-traveller in history




This list is sure to cause some debate, not least with the lowly placement of C-3PO.

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han solo deserves to be #1 he probably taught so many nerds the way to get laid.


Why haven't I been laid yet? I always do the "I know" quote...

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The imperial guards got bitch slapped in episode 3, i would of liked to of seen them in action a little bit more instead of just picking themselves off the floor. They should'nt of made the top 30. Especially when there is no sign of Jango Fett.


Also though that Dooku was pretty kick ass, although he was very naive.

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The imperial guards got bitch slapped in episode 3, i would of liked to of seen them in action a little bit more instead of just picking themselves off the floor.


Watch Empire and Jedi, they walk about! :xyx Plus they look uber-cool.

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Do they even feature in Empire definetly remember them in Jedi and Sith.


Although i may of missed them on the Star Destroyer in Empire.


You know what? I seriously can't remember! :doh32:

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If we are basing this on the films and not on fan based fiction and the 'expanded universe' stories then Boba doesn't deserve to be so high at all....


He appears and captures Solo, then he manages to let Leia though and unfreeze him (which is pretty stupid) and then whilst on guard duty on the barge he under estimates a god damn Jedi! Not even that, he under estimates the son of the most powerful Sith/Jedi ever to have lived!


And please if you question me with 'the Emperor was more powerful then Vader' deal then let me tell you this...


Vader never had a father and saw Palpatine as one, who of course was happy to play that role so that he could bend Vaders superior power to his own will. Vader spoke in both Episodes V, VI and III how he would overturn him and rule the galaxy and also he can't do lightening because of his suit being made of metal and losing strength with the force because of the injuries sustained in his fights with Dooku and Obi Wan.


...Plus the only reason he lost them was because he was not tuned into the light side fully and allowed the hate and arrogances inherant in that life style to could his judgement.


Plus Anakin and Vader are one and the same, they are just the Bi-Polar parts of one personality showing the flaws of humanity in one part and its virtues in the other...


Bottom line Vader is awesome, the story is built around him and in the end he is the chosen one who balances the force...


So Vader should be Number 1

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And please if you question me with 'the Emperor was more powerful then Vader' deal then let me tell you this...


Vader never had a father and saw Palpatine as one, who of course was happy to play that role so that he could bend Vaders superior power to his own will. Vader spoke in both Episodes V, VI and III how he would overturn him and rule the galaxy and also he can't do lightening because of his suit being made of metal and losing strength with the force because of the injuries sustained in his fights with Dooku and Obi Wan.


...Plus the only reason he lost them was because he was not tuned into the light side fully and allowed the hate and arrogances inherant in that life style to could his judgement.


Plus Anakin and Vader are one and the same, they are just the Bi-Polar parts of one personality showing the flaws of humanity in one part and its virtues in the other...


Bottom line Vader is awesome, the story is built around him and in the end he is the chosen one who balances the force...


So Vader should be Number 1


PLEASE! Vader was Palpatine's bee-yotch. Vader had raw power but he was just a scared little boy under the mask. Observe No, but seriously vader may have been strong, but he couldn't run the galaxy like Palpatine.

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Guest Wolverine
That list lacks Darth Maul.


Sure he got done in by a young Obi-Wan, but he had the coolest fighting style ever.


Maul's 8th in the list. So overrated though, Dooku was far cooler.


Windu should be a lot higher too.

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Guest Slim Jim
That list lacks Darth Maul.


Sure he got done in by a young Obi-Wan, but he had the coolest fighting style ever.




Stupid Wolvey and his quickness. Anyway, Darth Boogeyman gets a big meh from me.

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