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Star Trek vs Star Wars

Guest Laffy

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I think we've already had this thread. If memory serves correct, Darkstar nearly had an aneurysm correcting our misconceptions while under the dire pressure of being forced to choose :lol


Star Wars for me. It's easier to follow as there are fewer installments... even if there aren't power shields. :roll :lol

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I think we've already had this thread. If memory serves correct, Darkstar nearly had an aneurysm correcting our misconceptions while under the dire pressure of being forced to choose :lol


Star Wars for me. It's easier to follow as there are fewer installments... even if there aren't power shields. :roll :lol


You mean this thread?


And it was Fill going mental.....I was backing the Dune universe. :lol

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Star Wars. But I can watch Star Trek Universe stuff - in fact, I have a hologram of the DS9 space station on my wall :P
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I actually like them both, I'm a bit of a secret geek!
And Miss T takes another step closer to being the ideal woman.


I'm voting for Star Trek on the strength of Deep Space Nine alone. Add in Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty and the entire run of TNG and you have a fantastic space saga.

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Guest Colin

I've always been curious about this argument...


Hey let's compare other TV Series vs. Major Motion Pictures.


The Godfather vs. The Sopranos... and go!

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And Miss T takes another step closer to being the ideal woman.


Whaddyamean "a step closer to" ? :D


BWAH hahaha! Yes! I can join in too!



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Guest Chriscare
Star wars!! I went to see the One Man Star Wars Trilogy for my birthday, if you're a fan you have to see it, its great, he does the best luke impression but the worst yoda. Plus i got to have my photo taken with storm troopers!!
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Guest Laffy
I love starwars have my own lightsabour and i designed and built a circuit board so when you flick the sabour out it makes the noise very cool. I love all the star wars films but have more treckie memerabilia than star wars. When i next wear it i will get my friends to get a pic of me in my darth vader and storm trooper costumes.
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Guest Loves To Spooge

in clerks 2, the guy at the counter says ''there is only one return of the and thats of the jedi''.....classic


star wars all the way.

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Guest The Beltster

I hate Star Wars, its so long, drawn out and boring. I dont like Star Trek either barring The Next Generation, which was easily the best show ever on TV. The entire 7 seasons were all awesome, the characters were all great and Worf was the funniest guy going.


"I am NOT a merry man!" while dressed as Will Scarlett from Robin Hood :lol The guy was so angry, at all times!

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Guest Anime Otaku
I'm kinda torn, Star Wars is vastly superior to most of the Star Trek movies but the Star Trek TV shows were great especially DS9, Voyager and TNG in that order, my favourite episodes being mainly Voyager, especially the ones where 7of9 had a major role, the best one being Vinculum where Jeri Ryan actually played atleast half a dozen characters including 7, a scared little girl and a Ferengi which was the best part of the show. The WW2 two-parter with the Hirogen was good too, infact I'd say Jeri Ryan pretty much owned that series once she was introduced. Though DS9 had a proper plot rather than being a 'monster of the week' show like Voyager and TNG. Also worthy of special praise is Q, best, funniest, nastiest villian ever, though I wasn't as keen when he mellowed in Voyager, though his attempts to seduce Captain Janeway were amusing.
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Guest Da Showstoppa
I'm kinda torn, Star Wars is vastly superior to most of the Star Trek movies.


Voyager and TNG in that order, my favourite episodes being mainly Voyager, especially the ones where 7of9 had a major role, the best one being Vinculum where Jeri Ryan actually played atleast half a dozen characters including 7, a scared little girl and a Ferengi which was the best part of the show. The WW2 two-parter with the Hirogen was good too, infact I'd say Jeri Ryan pretty much owned that series once she was introduced. Though DS9 had a proper plot rather than being a 'monster of the week' show like Voyager and TNG. Also worthy of special praise is Q, best, funniest, nastiest villian ever, though I wasn't as keen when he mellowed in Voyager, though his attempts to seduce Captain Janeway were amusing.


I'm an absolute Star Wars nut - I enjoyed the prequels too (although Jake Lloyd's "acting" and Jar Jar Binks were/are sometimes hard to endure. I think the action and pace of II and III are on a par with Empire (V) and Jedi (VI) but the pace drops off with A New Hope (Episode IV - if you're keeping score)


The battle scenes (both ground and air) are particularly brilliant, especially THE battle between Darth Vader and Obi Wan in Episode III. I did think that the Obi Wan Grevous battle was far too short - I mean 30 seconds with a droid that has four f*cking lightsabers!


As it pertains to Star Trek, I really don't watch the "classic" ones and I'll just about watch DS9 if it happens to be on (not often now I've lost Sky1 - Thank you Virgin Media!)


For me, Star Trek is at it's absolute best in TNG and Voyager. Patrick Stewart does a great job as Jean Luc Picard, and the stories are well done and even the effects stand up today (especially in the movies) I would have to give the edge to Voyager however - Not only is Jeri Ryan reason to watch the series on her own, but the cast in general gel well and come across well on screen.

I remember the excellent episode where Voyager's EMH (Emergency Medical Hologram) had to teach a civilisation music and wound up becoming an over the top Opera star (and suffering a seriously inflated ego to boot) A great performance from Robert Picardo in a brilliant story.




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