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Star Wars

Create your Star Wars name....

Guest Rock

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How to determine YOUR Star Wars name:


Your New First Name:


1. Take the first 3 letters of your 1st name.

2. Add the first 2 letters of your last name.


Your New Last Name:


3. Take the first 2 letters of your Mom's maiden name.

4. Add the first 3 letters of the city you were born in.




Your Star Wars Honorific Title:


1: Take the last three letters of your last name and reverse them

2: Add the first three letters of the make or model of your first car

3: Insert the word "of"

4: Tack on the name of the last medication you took.

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Guest Matt

LOL, my doctor put me on it cos i was gettin worried that i kept randomly nutting people for daft things.


Got a nice high to it though ;)

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