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GTA: San Andreas

Guest Jack

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I know how to do a drive by now. When you get enough respect from your homies you go up to them, target them with R1, press up, and they follow you. Get in a car and go into balla or other gang territory and they shoot their gangs! wicked huh.

Another new thing is your GIRLFRIEND. you save her from a fire you start and she falls in love with you. you take on dates every so often and she wants to do drive bys instead of drinking!!!

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Meh its not that different to Vice City. I love the arcade games in the bar though. They rock, Ive been playing Space Monkey for about 30 minutes. I also had a big drive in a dune buggy around the wooded area and the hills and I realised how massive the game area was. I found a gun near the Vine wood sign and I also managed to steal a boat and crash it.


Not bad at all. Only done first mission yet

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GTA San Andreas: Thoughts?


Everything GTA:SA in this thread please. Whether reviews, questions, advice, cheats or whatnot, stick it all here. Anything not here will be moved :) - DraVen





Now it has been released, what does everyone think?


I've been playing it for the last hour and I think its brilliant, the cut scenes are longer than Vice City but a lot better with some great dialogue, the graphics are really good, the city looks fantastic, and the driving etc. is all still superb. Haven't tried any missions yet, just been driving around, but so far I'm really impressed. I also tried out the swimming as well which is a much better system than I was expecting, very easy to use.


I'm probably gonna get seriously addicted to this for the next few months! :)

Edited by DraVen
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Its not as bad as i expected. Im still not drooling over it because i know this time next week I wont be playing it much if at all. The city is massive. Ive only done the first mission yet. Graphics are ok, small amount of slow down in places Ive noticed. Some nice features like playin the arcade games. Space Monkey rocks.
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Guest Venture
I haven't gotten a chance to play it... until tomorrow actually when I'll go over one of my friend's house. I hope the game will be much better than both Grand Theft Auto 3 and Grand Theft Auto Vice City combined, if it is, then i'll buy the game as soon as I play it.
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Guest Anime Otaku
i had it preordered at game and dad forgot to pick it up at work (he works for a maintanace company that covers a shopping centre with a Game store in it. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well played eyes adrift. Me and my brother played it from 1pm to 10:30pm.

I think its the greatest game ever, and I dont have the time to type all the stuff I found out today. theres simply too much.

The city is massive, you can get haircuts, work out, erm erm oh god theres too much!!

The BMX's!! The car damaged has been improved so much so have the guns and hand to hand combat. For instance, I just watched my brother sneak up behind some random gangsta on da streets and slit his throat. very nice.

I have stolen a train and swam to the next 2 islands. Thats right...SWAM!

Carl Johnson comes complete with a set of swimming trunks for this GTA!


Anyway, I queued up from midnight last night and waited over an hour to get my copy on early Friday morning.

And before you laugh at me for not just going to Toys R Us or Woolies the next day, I got a free GTA: San Andreas black bandana. I'm wearing it right now!

So THATS why I queued up in the early hours of Friday morning. Forget the game, :lol


No the game is great. In fact I dont even know why I'm on the computer, San Andreas is upstairs!

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I've been playing on it most of today and I'm really loving it now, completed about 10 missions, although I found the first one frustratingly difficult to start off with! I haven't came across any Trains yet though, although I've drove up and down the Train track several times (keep hoping to get crushed by an oncoming train, hasn't happened yet though!)
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And before you laugh at me for not just going to Toys R Us or Woolies the next day' date=' I got a free GTA: San Andreas black bandana. I'm wearing it right now![/quote']


I got one as well! Its a nice touch dont you think? Anyway onto the game, absolutely fantastic. Already in the first 5 cut-scenes there is more F-words than the whole of Vice City, the cars are great, the BMXs are also extremely fun, and the little extras are an inspired touch. By the extras i mean eating, getting your barnet cut, and working out, all great little things that add loads to the game. I have done a few of the missions, but have spent most of the time just driving round, killing people and exploring. What a game!

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I started playing it at about 3 yesterday. I played it till well over 4 in the morning. This game is absolutly brilliant. For anyonewho hasnt got it, it is a definate borrow at least.

Im up to OG Loc missions and stuck on the dancing on the beach mission. Its really fustrating but the rest of the missions have been fun and exciting. The best missions Ive played so far are the ones by Big Smoke. Especially the one where you kill Russians and make a getaway on the bike.

My CJ has the muscle bar full and no fat. My respect and sex appeal are tiny though.

The BMXs like everyone else has said are fantastic. Swimming is brilliant. The cars move better now aswell.

When travelling around I usually get in gunfihts with The Ballas which is always fun.


So far this is the best game I have played in a very long time. Probably ever. 10/10

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Guest eyes_adrift

If you haven't done it yet go to Mount Chiliad and get to the top and waiting there for you is a BMX that you can take back down it is so funny wondering if you are going to die or not.

Oh and if you want into the airport park a van next to the runway fence and climb on top of it and there can get a private jet to fly i actually made it to another island but got took out by cops with rocket launchers who shot me out me out of the air.

Also if you go to Flint Intersection there is a Police impound yard with a Monster truck inside that you can take.

I will post more if i find it on my journeys.

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Guest eyes_adrift

San Andreas advice.


I thought that since San Andreas is such a huge game that it would be a cool idea to start a thread where everyone can share some of the things they have found like hard to find cars or minigames.

I have already posted in the San Andreas thoughts thread how to steal a private jet and where to find the BMX on the top of Mount Chiliad and where to steal a monster truck from.

So share the info people.(especially if you found the building that you can parachute off of because it's doing my head in trying to find it).

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Guest Seabass

Well at Madd Dogg's mansion there is a mountain bike you can steal and just round the corner from that in Pinewood there is a lawn mower you can dsrive, its in someone backgarden. I have driven the Cheater, Comet and Banshee. Vice City's top sports cars.


There is a cement mixer, hotdog van and wait for it...a Trashmaster!!

I did take the private jet and got shot down by a jet fighter from the airforce for flying over to the second island.


Does anyone know where flight school is? Because you need to complete that before the airport open properly and until then you need to climb over the fence stood on a car.

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