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GTA: Get yours and get the F out!!

Guest Trash

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Hey peeps. I recently heard that my local Game stores (in Stockport) are opening at midnight this Thursday simply to sell GTA: San Andreas. They will be open for an hour or two so that all those desperate to get their hands on the biggest game of the year can do it as early as they can.

This idea also benefits the shop because it will mean less queues the following morning, as all those who came in late have theirs.

As long as they pre-ordered them! If customers arrive who havn't pre-ordered their copy hoping to get theirs will have to expect going home empty handed if they go mid-morning.

I expect almost every game selling shop in the country to be sold out by lunch time.

I pre-ordered mine so I almost certainly willbe sat on my arse playing it all Friday, but if you're worried about not being able to buy the new GTA then I suggest doing what my mate does. Just pay a visit to Toys 'R' Us where they're sure to have it on their shelves because, well who'd of thought of going there?

He got his Vice City from their in 2002 when all other shops had sold out that day. Plus it didnt help the Game sold his copy even though he was on the pre-order list. :lol

It will be complete madness in my town this Friday. I'm watching my back as I run home with San Andreas!

Oh and if you have pre-ordered a copy from Game then hope to get a free bandana with it! Now you can wear it and pop a cap in someone's ass.

It has got to be the most hyped game of the year. I was reading reviews about it months ago and pre-ordered it in May.

It must get the title of being the most selling game of all time after its out.

Rockstar are not even giving game shops that many copies of it because if they deliver a smallamount every week they hope to keep it on the #1 shelf for months.

Well it certainly worked for Vice City.


Be sure to see a thread up here on Friday night, full of new stuff you can do!

I'll have more ideas and things to put than I can type!


It's only 5 days now folks...!



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Hey F2K, I still play my GTA: Vice City and I got it the day it was out in 2002.

My total game playing time is something I should be very ashamed of. It's about 115 hours! Deary me.

I would be racking more hours up for San Andreas when its out out but I am hoping to go Uni next year :lol.


Anyways, its only 4 days now...

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Hey! I bet u all! i gt GTA san andreas on sunday! yes, sunday! n i can reveal...... ITS CHUFFIN GREAT!!!!!!!!! u r a guy called CJ who goes back to san andreas from liberty city because his mom gt gunned down in a drive by n hes swore revenge by killin whoeva did it to his mom. if u wana know anything ask me, ive been playin it all day 2day!!!!
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You havn't got a naughty copy of it have you Vaile? How did you get yours so early?

I know its out in Canada and so on but you're in England matey!

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I will be getting it just before xmas just to make sure ive got hubby something to add to the stupid amout of games he already has but never plays, plus then i get to play it, im not too good at the games GTA and stuff better at fighting games but hey whats wrong with screwing up a game just as long as no-one is watching
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If anyone has a really fast computer then http://www.downloadshield.com/games2.html?SessionID=GSDUIDGUIWGDIUWGDOIUK72384791987197YUI9863HUYY8363986H has it for download. Unfortunatly its not free but its a cheaper than buying it from GAME or wherever.



I preordered mine a few months back and they rung me up on Friday saying they would open the shop at 12. Ill be there fo sho'.

Apart from the main missionsI like the sound of the small ones. You can pimp, rob, play basketball and plenty of others. For 100% the number of hours you will have to put in will be enormous. I still havent got 100% on GTA3 and I soometimes play that. Vice City was bigger than GTA3 and now this game is five times bigger. Im not gonna get 100% on SA till Im about 40 lol

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Jack any chance of liscensing your name out to Rockstar and make GTA: Bolton?


I'd prefer a GTA: Stockport, doing drive bys and shootin' up all tha scallies on the streats. Throw a corpse in the river, ride a trolley, mug a granny, get wasted in town centre and stop by for a burger at one of many McDonalds.

Now THAT would sell.

They did GTA: London but I think a 3-D one for the next game, if they're doing anohter would be a big hit, not just in this country.

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