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worm last won the day on May 11

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  1. Doom 3 gained a spot in my heart as the years went by, it feels like a classic now, a different point of view of the Mars incident. Things happened just as the gamer gods intended.
  2. Oh man, HELL YES! The Dark Ages looks so awesome, and I love that we will see what Doomguy was doing after Doom64 and before becoming the Doom Slayer. I'm psyched!
  3. Singleplayer: getting back to Cyberpunk 2077 and Doom 2016. Planning to also get back to Death Stranding. Multiplayer: I've been playing classic Doom co-op with friends using Zandronum + Radmin VPN to be able to host. We are playing custom maps using Brutal Doom and whatever megawad we can find!
  4. I will keep that in mind
  5. I've been a bit absent but I'm slowly getting back the grip of things

  6. Hmm, I'm not a PlayStation or Xbox owner so it's hard for me to think of any. When I read the title I thought about Sven Coop but that's on PC only (and it's old) You already mentioned Halo, that's top tier, specially ODST, omg that game.. I will get back to you I must search the interwebs
  7. Pet the mod or get bitten!!! He is super cute, but I can't say more, otherwise he will think I'm trying to bribe the autorities..
  8. Thanks Motor! I will check them out these days!
  9. Alright, I'm interested. The sport looked complicated, but now I see it's quite simple but with some complexity that makes it unique, in a good way. I feel I can get into it fairly easily as a casual viewer, but I know it has its depth and learning curve to understand it at a higher level. I will watch some games on YouTube and try to grasp the basics explained in these videos. Do you have a specific game to recommend me? Like one would recommend a specific boxing match that displays good quality and entertainment.
  10. Thanks Motor! I will check this out during this week and report back, we'll see if I'm in or out!
  11. Hey guys! Being a foreigner and not having American Football here (instead we have Soccer and Rugby, and instead of Soccer we call it Football), I never got into the sport. When I was a kid I tried playing a videogame of it but didn't understand a thing. Let's say I'm interested in getting to know the sport, to watch a game and understand it, and maybe get the excitement behind it, where do I start? What do you recommend?
  12. Balance is always good, I hope you will achieve it! My goal is to keep improving my relationships, going fishing more often and I want to make a long trip with my bike!
  13. Hey Fans of various Clubs! Happy new year! How was your 2023? What are you going to do this year?
  14. The cast is amazing. I love Jack Black in this kind of movie.
  15. Call me cheesy but my go to is The Holiday. I'm a softie!
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