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  2. Well, it is now only a few days until this movie comes out. I'm so excited that I can barely contain myself. I have been with this saga from the beginning and I'm looking forward to it.
  3. I have been waiting for this to hit theaters and the previews look outstanding! The trailers are very gripping and the whole thing has new villains and heroes just as it should as time progresses. Luke Skywalker's portrayal just hits it right on the head! Friday, December 15, 2017 this will become a reality! Will this truly be the "Last Jedi"?
  4. The world premiere was yesterday, so far it looks like most people who went are raving about it. Some of the tweets that I've seen:
  5. If the Jedi end as suggested in this teaser, I will be devastated! I am such a huge fan and I'm already in shock that Han died, this will probably put me into total shock. It looks like a keeper, can't wait until I can go see.....
  6. Bishop, that was so traumatic for me. Although I couldn't be surprised by it given everything Harrison Ford has said about Star Wars in interviews. The new trailer looks amazing and I can't wait until it's out! I think they've done a marvelous job with this part of the saga so far. I'm enjoying these far more than the prequels.
  7. This does look good Kira. I have watched my parents VHS tapes of all the Star Wars and they are pretty good. I especially liked the last one where Hans died. Can't wait to see what The Last Jedi is like.
  8. I remember standing in line for 4 hours back in the 70's to see the very first Star Wars movie. I have watched each and every one of them multiple times and can't wait to go see this one. Popcorn, coke and Star Wars!!! Yesssssssssss!!
  9. Saw this yesterday and it is, on my first viewing, my second favorite Star Wars film ever behind Empire... but damn it was close and just a bloody well made film, let alone a Star Wars film. Daisy Ridley as Rey is amazing, the work she does with her eyes and body language alone and her chemistry with everyone was excellent. So many ideas are bubbling in my head about just who she might be as well in terms of the Star Wars universe and so many unanswered questions but the genius thing is, we know answers are coming in 2017 and 2019 and I already can't wait. It gave me tingles, goosebumps, nearly made me cry and at the end I was just in awe - THAT is what Stars Wars should be.
  10. This may be the first movie I actually see twice in the cinema, I think. To put that in perspective, I'm not a huge Star Wars fan (I've probably seen IV-VI 2 or 3 times including watching them all in the run-up to this, and anything past 2 times was when it was on TV, and basically just background), though I've always been a fan of sci-fi and fantasy. Access was somewhat limited in my childhood though.
  11. Watched it yesterday, loved it! JJ did a great job, as others have mentioned the cast were brilliant. There were so many scenes where their eyes just said it all. Matthew has some thoughts up on COW: Review: Star Wars -The Force Awakens (no spoilers) The Force Awakens works due to a strong trio of trios (spoilers!)
  12. I am only a spoiler fan for myself. As in i look at spoilers. Just back from the cinema and loved the film. Slightly disappointed at the same time thou. Whilst it felt new i also felt i had seen a lot of it before.
  13. While you're a massive spoiler fan please appreciate that others may not be.
  14. Ill be posting my thoughts tonight after I have seen it. From what I have heard and read (I'm a massive spoiler fan) I may be disappointed in some things but overall it looks like it could be very interesting.
  15. Just home from the theater. This film far exceeded every expectation I had. I'm always weary of good trailers because they don't necessarily reflect how good or bad the film is gonna be. I figured it had to at least be better than the prequels. It was far more than that. I came out of the theater excited and emotionally satisfied. It was tremendous and I'll for sure be seeing it again. Super excited to see what comes next. The new characters are all interesting and fun and well acted. Daisy Ridley is going to be a massive star. Kylo Ren is easily the best villain we've had since Vader but he's not just a Vader 2.0. He's an actually character with depth, emotion, and clear motivations. He's not just a throw away cartoon villain like we got in the prequels. He's very human and very unpredictable and that makes him dangerous. John Boyega and Oscar Isaacs were both incredible. I think Poe Dameron might just be my favorite out of the new characters. Also, BB-8 is wonderful. I love him. Best thing is the nostalgia didn't seem forced at all. It was very tasteful. You can really tell this was a labor of love. I had faith in JJ from the beginning and he didn't let me down one bit. The negatives I have are very few. It felt a little rushed in places and there were a few things that should have been explained better but besides that it's a very solid film in it's own right. 9/10 - Best Star Wars film since Empire.
  16. 2 more articles online: Return of the Jedi and going out on a…note. You’re not clever. Breaking down (and breaking up) The Stormtrooper Conspiracy
  17. Just to raise a point, because people bitch about the split viewpoint in the prequels (ie. Anakin and Kenobi doing their own shit). Go watch IV-VI films again. Notice that? DO YOU SEE. Yeah, they did the same thing. Now, having just watched all the primary canon films I - VII, I'd put VII right up there with Empire. The Good : Overall, it really does work. There are some nods to the previous films, some character development for our old favorites without really stealing the spotlight from the new characters. I'd happily go watch VIII without a single character from IV-VI in it. Kylo Ren is a badass Dark Jedi/Sith/DarkSide Force User and wildly different from Vader. Ray and Fin are both likeable and well realised, with enough hints at their pasts that you can invest in them and want to know more. It helps that the actors playing them are really very good and have decent dialogue. The Bad: Without going into detail, I felt like I'd seen some of the plot points somewhere else before... The Ugly : Oh Han, you poor, poor man... In summary : A great movie. Not just a great Star Wars movie (which it also is), but just a great movie. I had low expectations going in, having been burned 3 times, but this is finally the film the Star Wars fans and canon deserved. Thank God George Lucas sold to Disney.
  18. I can't give a rating just yet, as I watched it in German. I'm off to see this in English on Sunday morning and catch a few things a may have missed but I'd give it a strong rating nonetheless. The film blows Episodes I to III way out of the water, I don't even want to talk about them films anymore. I might even go to say that this beats Episode VI. It's just wow. Absolutely speechless and the Star Wars film we've been waiting for
  19. I saw Episode VII. I think I cried a little. It was beautiful. :sadtears:
  20. As ben doesn't seem to know leia is a jedi too in the first trilogy only Yoda seems to know
  21. And now having done the entire series, the take away is.... use protection guys, seriously. Anakin only goes dark because he's desperate to save Padme, who dies in childbirth (also, glaring continuity there, as Leia clearly remembers her mother in Return of the Jedi). No pregnancy, no death in childbirth, no fall, no Empire etc. Also, I think Yoda and Obi-Wan must have been slightly retarded. They sent baby Luke to go live with his Uncle and Aunt on Tatooine. An Uncle and Aunt Vader is aware of and knows exactly where they live. Really? Then Obi-Wan Kenobi adopts the singularly brilliant non de plume of Old Ben Kenobi.... was he trying to be caught? What happened between Episode III and IV that the Empire stopped looking for Jedi who may have escaped? Especially as they were aware Yoda and Keboni were unaccounted for? And if they were looking, it wasn't very bloody hard if they didn't at least check known associates like, oh, Senator Organa from Alderaan, who had a surprise baby from nowhere, or Anakin's relatives. For a galactic evil empire, they're sadly incompetent. And some other things. In Jedi, all those bikers just hanging out in the forest...weird. They should be patrolling, right? And none of them seem to have radio comms, though it definitely exists since Luke and r2d2 use it in Empire. Also, the Emperor, what a twat. The last time he used force lightning to try to kill someone, it left him massively deformed, so hey, let's do that again... despite the fact he's used a lightsaber before AND he has better force options, like the force choke, or telekinesis to drop Luke down the whatever the hell that fall was down. And the Death Star. Mother of God, Empire engineers are terrible. A straight run from the surface to the core reactor, with no defenses and no reactor shield. Now I know what you'll say..."Oh, but it wasn't finished" and I tell you straight that's not the problem. The reactor was totally completed, and so were the last few miles of approach to it. It was as secure as it was going to get, and I've seen better secured boxes of chocolates. And finally, a monumentally unstable reactor which blows up when a power coupling fails. The Rebels didn't need to attack, the damn thing would have blown itself up in short order. People moan about JarJar, but the legit dumbest people in that universe are the force users on both sides and their terrible engineers. But then none of them are as dumb as Tony Stark.
  22. New article is live: Revenge of the Sith and going out on a…note. I might be going to watch this Sunday morning, nephews have been asking, I'm hoping it won't be so busy at that time.
  23. So this is getting 5 star reviews all over the place. The Force is indeed back!!

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