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Discussions for everything Rockstar... but we all know you're here for GTA VI (coming 2025).


  1. What's new in this club
  2. I renewed X-Box live entirely because of this game. Did two missions before a man with no clothes shot me for no reason. and ran off. Pretty cool.
  3. [video=youtube;-oJJTqR0oY0] Did this with Dean. VO'd it with Maxx. As it turns out, it's not just Dean who can go all high pitched and nutless when their jimmies are rustled. F*ck sake Dean.
  4. Stimulus package arrived. Not in 2 parts, but one lump sum of $500,001. Yeah. They bumped it up an extra dollar. Worth it. :lol
  5. My friend couldn't get on last night or the night before only GTA too, Diablo worked fine
  6. Me and girlfriends online ain't working today . Anyone had any probs today?
  7. Couldn't watch the video because my phone connection is bad right now, but I had great fun being trolled :lol
  8. A sentence I never thought I'd say: made 10000 dollars tonight just for boosting a few cars, killing some cops and getting jerked off on in the shower by THE Matt Denton.
  9. I pretty much always play with the sme two people lol
  10. I kinda wish I got it on PS3 now too. The people who were supposed to be joining me for online play are barely ever online. Wastemanz.
  11. DLC News: First part of the GTA Online content creator is dropping next month, along with a pack of new hairstyles and vehicles based on being a beach bum. Whether or not this'll allow disser to have an afro or not remains to be seen (not that it matters, because he got the game for the wrong console. Jerk. :lol)
  12. Everyone is a teeny-tiny shortarse. While I would like more control in creating my character, it's passable for a GTA game. GTA 4 online multiplayer just had a choice of heads, torsos and legs from what I recall. I would like to see more hair styles in the future though, such as an afro (for Farthoofer, not for you Chris.) or a longer hair style for dudes. Maybe soon. Who knows what R* has planned for DLC? As for hijinx, I'm buying a new TV today. Yelling at Currys for dicking me over got me like 75% of my cash back, so I'm using that to buy a TV so I can record this sh*t. ^_^
  13. The character creation on GTA is a waste of time
  14. Okay then, my specific type and colouring doesn't seem to exist. Or if I get somewhere close to it, the system for some reason makes me into a teeny tiny shorta*se. What happened to the old school way of creating a character? It's literally the only thing I don't like about the game.
  15. They do exist. My other character Farthoofer is mixed race.
  16. I can't get a character built that looks like me. F*cking grandparents and heritage crap. It's like mixed races don't exist in GTA?!
  17. Not a great deal in the GTA hijinx folder today. I helped Dean's girlfriend through a robbery. I also helped her rescue her car from the impound lot, but she shot me. :( Also managed to fix up the logo for the BSK GTA crew. I'm a mark. Go figure.
  18. went online with my mate last night bout 8ish. said to him i only got 45mins-1hour then i gotta do stuff. playing away and my mate says to me i thought you only had an hour? i said yeah why wat time is it? he replied 12:30! i played straight for 4.5 hours without realising it. did play chicken with a dude who then tried to get to me several times though and just shotgunned him everytime by the racetrack! :lol love this game so hard. day off tomorrow and nothing is gonna get done!
  19. Since completing the story mode I've gone off GTA in a big way
  20. GTA antics with Matt are becoming highlights of my day :lol
  21. Wish I could, man. Can't record because my TV is borked. My current TV is HDMI only, not with Component Input, which sucks. I either need a new TV with Component input or a new capture device for HDMI (Which isn't that smart of a move because PS3 HDMI output is encrypted and thus needs a different cable entirely.). So, new TV is preferable. As for GTA related shiznit, been having a blast online with Dean and some randoms. Dean and I were doing the mission in the basin to disrupt the deal between the Vagos and The Lost. Dean is driving, but instead of slowing down for us both to get out and take care of bidniss he goes and leaps out of the moving vehicle leaving me to get shot up by the remaining gang members. Pr*ck. Joke was on him though, we later did the mission over (because Dean was left on his own and he failed) with me driving to the location. It was 4 miles away from where we spawned. I catapulted him into the gang meeting. Turnabout is fair play, bitch. :lol A nice relaxing game of golf. I spent the first 5 minutes trying to knock Dean down with my mighty balls. He stumbled but never fell. (Ah, a pro!) He went on to win, and I shot him dead outside the golf club. He retalliated by stealing my car. I forced the car to eject him, so he blew up my car in lieu of stealing it. Proud of his handiwork, he got a text saying that because he had destroyed my insured vehicle, he would have to pay my premium to the tune of $817. Thanks Dean! Needed to upgrade my car, but was five bucks short. I leave Los Santos customs, run over a couple of dudes and find out they're penniless. Run round the corner and pimp slap a random dude on the corner and pick up his $30. I drive back to the mod shop. Turns out by running people over, I needed to use $120 to repair the car, leaving me up shit creek. I leave again, park my car close by and steal some AI randomer's car. I sell it for a cool $9000, more than enough to cover my upgrades, plus a few extras. I get a text not even 30 seconds later telling me "I'm gonna have you smoked for jacking my car", and get a $1000 bounty put on my head. F*cking bitch. How did she even get my number?
  22. Videos or it didn't happen. Send it through the letter box.
  23. Everything but deathmatch, and you had to use a car to beat me. :lol It was top fun, though. Best bits: I stopped in the middle of a motorcycle GTA race so I could let Dean catch up so I could spike him with rockets. On my screen, it looked like Dean had fallen off, but he hadn't and swiftly took a MASSIVE lead. Last lap, Dean goes to take a ramp jump, lands on the overpass and I somehow catch up and win. BOOYEAH. Whooping Dean at tennis, even with obligatory "AN-DY MUR-RAY! *CHOKE CHOKE CHOKECHOKECHOKE*" chants. Top Fun game mode. I suck at flying a jet, but so does Dean. Gutted when I almost got away, but ended up taking a header into one of those unbreakable poles causing my own death. Gunning/Running Dean over when he least expects it (Mainly when he's depositing cash into the bank through his phone) Robbing convenience stores whilst intimidating the store clerk into working faster by singing "Real American" at him. Good times...

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